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Table 1 Definitions of symptoms and asthma used as outcomes

From: Respiratory and skin health among glass microfiber production workers: a cross-sectional study




Recurrent or prolonged cough

Phlegm production

Recurrent or prolonged phlegm production


Wheezing or whistling of the chest


Chest tightness or difficulty breathing

Nasal symptoms

Dryness, itching or smarting of nose, stuffy nose, runny nose or repeated sneezing (apart from colds)

Eye symptoms

Dryness of eyes, itchy eyes, irritation or smarting of eyes, watering of eyes, or redness of eyes

Skin symptoms

Dryness or flaking of skin, itchy skin, irritation, smarting or redness of skin, sore or tender skin, or urticaria

Current asthma

Asthma diagnosed by a physician in the past 12 months

Asthma ever

Asthma diagnosed by a physician ever during life time