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Table 1 International Classification of Disease (ICD 10) codes for mental disorders used in the present study

From: Risk assessment of temperature and air pollutants on hospitalizations for mental and behavioral disorders in Curitiba, Brazil

ICD 10


F00 - F09

Organic Mental Disorders, including Symptomatic Mental Disorders

F10 - F19

Mental and behavioral disorders due to the use of psychoactive substance

F20 - F29

Schizophrenia, schizotypal disorders and delusional disorders

F30 - F39

Mood Disorders [affective]

F40 - F48

Neurotic disorders, stress-related disorders and somatoform disorders

F50 - F59

Behavioral syndromes associated with physiological dysfunctions and physical factors

F60 - F69

Adult personality and behavior disorder

F70 - F79

Mental retardation

F80 - F89

Psychological developmental disorders

F90 - F98

Psychological developmental disorders


Mental disorder not specified